GWI Australia

AI Readiness Assessment

About our ai readiness Assessment

GWI's AI Readiness Assessment gives customers a clear understanding of their capability to safely and ethically adopt and leverage AI in their business.

At GWI, we understand that when it comes to AI, quality, trust and integrity are crucially important. These are built from solid foundations.

Conducting an AI Readiness Assessment prepares your business, and more importantly, your customers, to manage cybersecurity, privacy and ethical challenges that could arise if the necessary processes and training are overlooked at the start.

We identify AI readiness from a wholistic perspective.

We assess people, processes, information and technology and map capability to business function for investment and adoption awareness. After establishing a clear understanding of existing maturity, we provide our customers with a roadmap of targeted and actionable objectives to empower them to grow their capability.

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Data and Information

We understand what is required to maximise the value of your data and information to create positive and lasting impact.

Technology Advisory

We drive business performance through the effective use of technology, and the alignment of business and ICT strategies.

Helping government, business and community leaders solve complex policy and strategy problems, providing impactful solutions with lasting value.

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GWI is changing

We will soon be known by a different name. What’s not changing, however, is our unwavering commitment to delivering quality solutions for our customers. Our new name reflects our commitment to putting evidence into action.

In the meantime, follow us on LinkedIn @GWI Australia to stay up to date with these exciting changes and stay tuned for the announcement!