GWI Australia

International Access to Information Day

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International Access to Information Day – 28th September 2024

International Access to Information Day (IAID) is held on 28 September every year and recognises the community’s right to access government-held information.

The 2024 theme for IAID is ‘mainstreaming access to information and participation in the public sector’.

We are reflecting on some of the work we have done to support government agencies to streamline information sharing, enhance transparency and ensure ongoing legislative compliance.

Access to information

The right to information is enshrined in access to information laws for certain jurisdictions across Australia, for example the Queensland Right to Information Act 2009, Information Privacy Act 2009 and Australia’s Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

The FOI Act recognises that the information the Government collects is a national resource managed for public purposes, and that public access to it should be prompt and at the lowest reasonable cost. The FOI Act applies to across federal government, and other Australian states and territories have equivalent legislation.

Public Register Portal for environment-related information

GWI was instrumental in the design and development of a Public Register Portal for a government agency.

We worked to replace a manual, time-consuming spreadsheet-based process with an online, fully searchable public register that allows customers to download digital copies of documents and other information and ensures the publication of information occurs in accordance with relevant environmental legislation.

The Public Register Portal GWI designed and developed is a pertinent example of mainstreaming access to information and participation in the public sector. As a result of our work, industries, conservation groups, businesses and community members can access important and accurate information in a timely manner. It is an important demonstration of leveraging information accessibility to provide better community and environmental outcomes.

Information Sharing Framework

GWI worked closely with an industry regulator to review and streamline their information sharing arrangements in accordance with Queensland Government requirements.

The existing arrangements focused predominantly on legal requirements rather than specifically aligning with the Queensland Government standards, which exposed the organisation to a number of risks. The Framework GWI developed to overcome these risks and streamline information-sharing processes included an Information and Data Sharing Guideline, a decision matrix, and a template for Information Exchange Schedules.

These artefacts outlined clear and consistent processes, key activities and governance arrangements for the organisation to streamline decision-making about information sharing. Staff now have guidance for collecting, using and sharing information and can be sure their actions are consistent and compliant with legislative requirements.

As a result of our work, the organisation is equipped to streamline information-sharing practices in line with Queensland Government and legislative requirements.

Best Practice Alignment for Information Sharing

GWI developed best practice information sharing guidance for a local Council.

Due to the large amount of data they collect and share both internally and externally, Council identified a greater need for transparency surrounding information sharing. GWI determined the gaps in their existing information sharing practices, and delivered a solution that is supported by robust processes to facilitate exchange of information in accordance with best practices.

GWI leveraged the Queensland Government Enterprise Architecture (QGEA) Information Sharing Authorising Environment and Five Safes Framework as best practice.

The decision-making framework GWI delivered provided Council with a comprehensive understanding of the different types of data sharing, their strengths and weaknesses and a high-level process for each data sharing type. We also outlined key roles and responsibilities, a data release decision tree and recommendations to address the identified gaps.

As a result, Council has increased transparency within the local community through robust information-sharing practices that align to best practice.

Data and information sharing services

GWI is experienced in establishing frameworks to enable seamless information and data sharing in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements.

Read more about the work we’ve done to support mainstreaming access to information and participation in the public sector.

Get in touch if your organisation is facing similar challenges.

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