GWI Australia

Managing complex student data with confidence

GWI worked with an Australian University to guide the design and implementation of a data management framework to support their CRM implementation.  

The University had traditionally communicated with constituents including students, alumni and stakeholders in a dispersed way, with no consistent way of capturing opt-ins/opt-outs and communication preferences. As a result of the implementation of isolated solutions, capturing communication preferences had not effectively catered for constituents with multi-faceted, multi-persona relationships with the University. This exposed the University to privacy and marketing compliance risks. 

GWI was engaged by the University to inform the development of a robust framework to manage stakeholder and student data. 

The University had commenced development of a solution to provide a single repository that captured constituents’ preferences in relation to their preferred channels and frequency of communication about University matters.  

To understand the University’s data-related requirements for implementing the CRM solution and the necessary components of a data management framework, GWI facilitated workshops and interviews with several key stakeholders. 

As part of this work, our team of experienced consultants also completed a Privacy Impact Assessment review including identification of additional risks and management strategies. We developed an initial set of business level data governance controls, and created a data ethics decision-making model for secondary uses of the CRM solution.   

Work with impact  

GWI made several recommendations to enable the University to leverage good governance practices, uplift the ethical use of data and reduce risks associated with privacy and marketing requirements. 

As the CRM project matures, the University can confidently proceed with developing the components of the data management framework. Having a robust CRM solution in place will improve the University’s knowledge of constituents, personalisation of communication and ensure compliance with Australian privacy law and GDPR. 

GWI can help your organisation effectively manage your datasets, no matter how big or small. Contact us today  

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GWI is changing

We will soon be known by a different name. What’s not changing, however, is our unwavering commitment to delivering quality solutions for our customers. Our new name reflects our commitment to putting evidence into action.

In the meantime, follow us on LinkedIn @GWI Australia to stay up to date with these exciting changes and stay tuned for the announcement!