GWI Australia

Using data visualisations to demonstrate social and community benefits

Using data visualisations to demonstrate social and community benefits 

GWI worked with a not-for-profit organisation to convey their impact through evidence-based interactive dashboards.

Measuring impact and demonstrating community benefit has long been a challenge for many government agencies, orgnisations and non-for-profits. In the age of social media and dynamic news cycles, organisations need to clearly demonstrate their social, economic and public value.

They need to establish a social licence to operate. One way to do this is through data.

Our customer represents approximately 1100 community organisations that have long been assumed to provide a net benefit to their communities. However, this has always been difficult to quantify.

They engaged GWI to determine to what extent this assumption was supported and strengthen their social license.

Creating data visualisations to convey community benefit

GWI gathered, mapped, and modelled a combination of openly sourced and organisation data to demonstrate the economic contributions made by the organisations to their respective communities.

Our solution provided the customer with the evidence to demonstrate the following:

  • Combined economic value to the community
  • Value in society
  • Outcomes produced by their industry
  • Comparative analysis in different political seats
  • Near real data on the health of their industry
  • Increased relevance and to lobby for better outcomes for their organisation and the community they serve

Our solution empowers the organisation with the confidence to start a different conversation about their economic and social value to the community and reveal valuable insights regarding preventable cost to government. Using data-driven evidence, they can garner ongoing support, acceptance and approval.

Drawing data-driven evidence to create a social licence to operate

As a result of working with GWI, the organisation is armed with the evidence to accurately quantify their community benefit. The insights generated by GWI are supporting the organisation in advocacy by quantifying their benefit to the community. GWI is proud to have supported by uplifting their understanding of the power of data in discovering actionable insights.

Ready to unlock the power of your data? Talk to GWI today. 

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GWI is changing

We will soon be known by a different name. What’s not changing, however, is our unwavering commitment to delivering quality solutions for our customers. Our new name reflects our commitment to putting evidence into action.

In the meantime, follow us on LinkedIn @GWI Australia to stay up to date with these exciting changes and stay tuned for the announcement!