GWI Australia

ICT Strategy and Roadmap for a regional Queensland Council

ICT Strategy and Roadmap for a regional Queensland Council 

GWI was engaged by a regional Queensland Council to develop a five-year ICT Strategy and Roadmap to help achieve their vision of a digitally sustainable future.  

The context

Information technology is critical for the effective operations of every business, but particularly for Councils. As the population grows, so does the demand for the range of services they provide to community members. Council operations have become more reliant on ICT/digital technology, resulting in increased productivity, performance and opportunities for further optimisation to meet this demand.

However, Council identified a need to develop a targeted and robust ICT Strategy to future-proof their services and manage new risks as they arise.

GWI was engaged to develop the ICT Strategy and associated Roadmap of prioritised activities to guide technology investment at Council to align with their Corporate Plan for the next five years.

The method

GWI developed an ICT maturity assessment tool, utilising the Western Australian Government ICT Strategic Framework, to determine the existing state of maturity across eight different elements. We also employed aspects of TOBI (Technology Operations and Business Integration) maturity level indicators, conducted interviews with key stakeholders and reviewed relevant documentation to gain a deeper picture of the current state of ICT operations at Council.

GWI developed a five-year roadmap based on the results which included:

      • Overview of the existing strategic context and drivers of change 

      • Implementation scope and approach to improving maturity 

      • Strategy on a page with a clear future state ICT vision, principles and objectives 

      • Improving ICT through continual adaption 

      • Strategic ICT proposed principles.

      • Roadmap and accompanying work program outlining actions for each of the eight elements considered, together with associated dependencies, budget estimates, duration estimates and resources. 

    The impact

    The Strategy and Roadmap GWI developed strategically aligns with Councils’ 2021-2026 Corporate Plan. It provides a roadmap of technology investment for the next five years, including prioritised actions for the implementation of strategic objectives that will see Council overcome existing technological challenges to set them up for a digitally sustainable future.

    It empowers Council to be a digitally connected community and underpins the creation of a safe and vibrant community for families and businesses to thrive and prosper using digital technologies.

    Talk to the GWI team if you’d like to know more

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